We love Guatemalan Coffees and this one is no different. It’s front end sweetness and acidity is complemented by a brown sugary finish that is balanced and delicious.
Asociación de Productores de Café Diferenciados y Especiales de Guatemala (ASPROCDEGUA) is a producing organization with 664 contributing members, the women of whom have separated out some of their coffee to make this Women Coffee Producers offering. The producing members own small farms, an average of 2 hectares each, on which they plant coffee as well as other crops for diversification, including bananas, citrus fruit like organges and lemons, avocado, guava, and cassava. The organization offers its members access to technical assistance and routinely provides services such as soil analysis, test farms, and social projects based on food security, education, and nutrition.
The women’s association is not a formal sub–co-op, but the premium earned for their Women Coffee Producers lots goes toward organic fertilizer distribution to the women farmers, among other benefits. In 2020, the premium was used to purchase dairy cows for the women, which were distributed to both augment their household nutrition and to give them better access to organic matter from which to make their own organic compost.
Name: Guatemala La Dama
Region: Huehuetenango
Farm: Women smallholders of ASPROCDEGUA
Variety: Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai, Pache
Altitude: 1600–2200 masl
Processing Method: Washed
Program: Women Coffee Producers