Basics of Coffee - Part 1 - Who We Are

Helping People Experience Better Coffee
Specialty Coffee is exploding in popularity both in the United States and around the world. We are in the midst of a craft movement similar to what beer has been enjoying for the past 25 years. People are educating themselves about what they are consuming and seeking out better products, information and traceability than was offered by the mass-produced coffees of years past. In an attempt to establish a baseline of information for coffee beginners and veterans we are creating a blog series entitled The Basics of Coffee that will cover a broad range of topics. Before we dive into the specifics, I think it’s important to know a bit about who we are and why we would do this. Driven Coffee is a craft roaster with a focus on helping people experience better coffee. We accomplish this by introducing people to great coffees, teaching them how to brew better, and giving them the product and industry information to make informed coffee decisions.
1. Great Coffee – Although many of our customers have enjoyed coffee for years and have very developed palettes and preferences, there is a large segment of our base that is new to the world of Specialty Coffee. It’s from this group that we hear regularly “I never knew coffee could taste so good!” We strive endlessly to bring in the best coffees we can find and roast them to their greatest potential and it shows in the cup. We take pride in improving the coffee experience for people across the country.
2. Brew Better Coffee – If you have interacted with us you know we are coffee nerds at our core. We love nothing more than geeking out about brewing coffee and then picking apart the cup. For many, brewing and experimenting on anything other than an automatic drip can be intimidating. To make coffee more approachable we work with everything from Chemex, Aeropress, Clever, French Press, Hario, Auto Drip, Commercial Brewers, and everything between to create (what we believe to be) the ideal brew specs for each of our coffees so you don’t have to. In addition to this blog series, in the coming months we will be launching a Brew Guide and video series to dispel some of the mysticism that surrounds brewing and alternative brew methods. We put so much energy into creating the best beans possible, we believe it to be our duty to help you make that coffee shine in your cup.
3. Coffee Education – Coffee is an amazingly deep, subjective, and evolving industry, one which can never be fully mastered. Just when you feel you gain a certain level of experience you find someone who turns your understanding on its head. That being said, we never stop pursuing knowledge and trying to share what we know and learn with others. From origin to cup there are so many hands in the process of bringing people their favorite beverage and we are proud to be an integral part of it. Coffee does not need to be difficult or intimidating, subscribe to our blog below and let’s make coffee more approachable and fun together! Cheers! Matt